Latest currency rates:
EUR 25.270
USD 23.279
GBP 30.321

Useful Info

Peace of Mind

St. James International acts as an intermediary for many of the world's largest and most reputable financial institutions. Although we are not tax consultants, we are pleased to be able to offer our clients, through years of experience in handling financial planning, free advice and guidance. In our business, we are constantly in touch with highly qualified professionals who work in this field. We may approach overseas accountants or tax advisors where information is discussed and views are obtained.

Why Offshore?
St. James International co-operates with major financial institutes based in the world's most attractive offshore jurisdictions, such as the Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Switzerland and Ireland. The Isle of Man has the following key benefits to the international investor:

Tax Freedom
The Island enacts its own legislation, direct taxation and fiscal policies, independent of the UK.
Under Isle of Man law, there is no tax liability on income and capital gains arising from the investments of exempt insurance companies. So, apart from any withholding tax deducted at source on income from assets held in some countries, investments grow tax-free.

Client confidentiality is protected by the Isle of Man Insurance Act 1986. Financial services companies on the island fully subscribe to anti money-laundering laws and directives.

The Isle of Man enjoys exceptional political and economic stability, with a history of over 1,000 years of continuous parliamentary government. The Tynwald is the longest unbroken democratic parliament in the world.

As a policyholder, the investor receives the protection of the Isle of Man Life Assurance (Compensation of Policyholders) Regulations 1991. This ensures that if a company is unable to meet its liabilities, the policyholders will receive up to 90% of the value of their policy, with no limit on the value of compensation.

High quality digital and satellite communications technology ensure easy contact around the world.

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